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About the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM viewing distances of a LED display screen
Release Time: 2013/10/17 10:19:01
The minimum and maximum viewing distances of a LED screen are measured depending on two fundamental characteristics of the screen: the pixel pitch and the screen’s dimension. 

1. the minimum distance is calculated converting into meters the pixel pitch. For example, a maxi screenwith 10mm pitch has a minimum viewing distance of 10 meters, while a 20mm pitch screen has a minimum viewing distance of 20 meters. 

2. the maximum distance instead, depends on the screen’s dimension and it can be calculated multiplying x10 and converting into meters the number of maxi-screen’s square meters. 

For example a 4x3 meters (=12sq) can be viewed from 120 meters distance. 

While talking about maximum distance, there are two concepts to clarify, “readability” and “visibility”. “Readability” identifies the distance within the images broadcasted on the maxi screen are readable,thus clearly recognizable. “Visibility” identifies the distance within the images showed are able to attract the human eye’s attention, even if the images are not perfectly identifiable. The visibility of a digital billboard is usually the double of its readability (in our former example: readability 120 meters = visibility 240 meters). 

 Regarding the written texts, the readability depends on the fonts’ size. 

Generally, it is possible to say that every centimeter can be read from about 5-meter distance. For example, 10 cms texts can be read from about 50 meters.
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